Sunday, June 19, 2016

Long Time, No Blog!

It's been a while, so I thought I'd catch the readers up on my progress.  I've finished 18 of 30 radiation treatments.  I haven't experienced much in the way of side effects.  The hair on the right side of my head is definitely starting to go, but that was expected.  The only real symptom has been fatigue. It's hard to know how much of that is from radiation, or still from surgery or the medication.  It's probably all of it.  I have been trying to push myself by walking longer distances.  With regard to work, I've been going in for about 2-3 hours a day, before and/or after radiation treatments.  When 
I get home, a long nap is usual.   

Prior to surgery, I had lost about 15 pounds.  After surgery, I gained it all back and then some due to the steroids that I am taking to avoid swelling.  Now that the steroids dose has been lowered  and the Chemo side effects have kicked in, eating has become an issue.  The Chemo causes nausea at times, but it seems like eating helps  This seems like an easy fix, except, finding something that I would even consider eating is a problem.  When I find something that works one day, I may not want to even look at it the next.  It is very similar to being pregnant, so I'm told.  There are days that are tolerable and others, like yesterday, where I can barely get off the couch.  

Things in the house have been difficult.  Last week, Thomas had Strep throat and Sue spent last night, throwing up, due to an apparent virus  We've been spraying Lysol and staying away from her, hoping that the rest of us, especially me, don't contract it.  My immune system is compromised due to the radiation and Chemo, and I really don't need to get sick.  

So, I guess that sums it up at this point.  I push ahead and try to keep positive.  During the radiation treatments, I pray and visualize a bright white light coming down from heaven killing each and every tumor cell.  Thank you for all of your prayers and support.  Please keep them coming.  

It's late, so please excuse any grammatical errors!  :-)

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