Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Odds and Ends

Remember the tingling symptoms that I had been experiencing over the past week and a half and suddenly they disappeared almost entirely on the day of the MRI? Well, I was doing some more research on the side effects of the medications I am taking and I stumbled upon the wikipedia page of side effects of the anti-seizure medication Keppra that I am on and low and behold I read "pins and needles in the extremities". HELLO? This information would have averted a lot of worrying about a week ago! Well at least I know that I'm not crazy....well about that anyway!

So far, this week has been very good. I started working nearly a full day minus about 30-40 minutes. I have been very tired in the evening, but the days have been going well. Tuesday was the only day so far that I didn't feel great. I had a slight headache and felt some dizziness. I also had difficulty with noise and a lot of activity. I decided to visit my parents house after work and I used their jacuzzi tub and it was very helpful in making me feel better. As I've told a few people this week, I feel like my body is a few weeks behind my head. I have a lot of things that I want to get accomplished, but physically, my body isn't ready to be pushed as much as I want to push it. The endurance isn't coming back fast enough for me and it's frustrating. I will keep working on patience!

It's been a difficult week in the house, because Maggie has been so sick. She has a very bad tonsil infection and I have a feeling they're gonna have to be taken out. Maggie is very demanding of our time and attention on a normal day and it's worse when she's sick. Her mood is also very difficult to deal with. Sue hasn't been getting enough sleep and I've been tired from working full days so other than happy-go-lucky Thomas, the house is pretty crabby.

Tomorrow is our music honor society's banquet and I'm looking forward to seeing all of the kids dressed up and having a good time, however I'm not sure how long I can stay given how tired I've been. Friday is the last day of classes and I can't believe this school year is over. The years always seem to go so fast, but this one especially because I was out of work for so long. It's always hard to say goodbye to our seniors (most of them!) but this class particularly because they were such an intelligent and talented class. Several of the students will be going to music school which always feels like a compliment to our music staff in the district. We must have made a big impression on any student who decides to follow in our footsteps. Others are going to some of the country's best universities and service academies. Best of luck to all of our seniors, we are so proud of all of you.

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