Monday, June 15, 2009

Relay For Life.

Soon after my surgery, a former student of mine, Pam, contacted me to offer her thoughts, prayers, and support for my recovery. She also reminded me that she is employed by the American Cancer Society and one of her responsibilities is to organize and execute the relay for life events that take place in our area. It's a huge job to put this event together and Pam runs several of these every year. This year she took on one of these events right here in Selden, at Newfield High School. Pam told me about it and that there would be a survivor's dinner prior to the event and that the ACS views me as a survivor and I would be invited. At the time I was excited to be included. The event raises money for the ACS by having teams of people collect money from donors and then each team walks around the track for twelve hours straight.

The event was to take place this past Saturday evening. Saturday was a bit of a down day for me. I had a dull headache and didn't quite feel my best and the thought of attending this event wasn't too exciting. I wonder if there were some underlying issues inside of me as well that was keeping me from going. Although I had a good report the other day from the oncologist at Sloan, I had a really hard time being around all of the patients. I felt quite overwealmed by all of the sick people I saw.

That evening, as we sat in the den, we could here lots of noise from the High School, which was the Relay for Life event. Sue decided that after she put the kids to bed, she would stop over and show her face at the event. I told her that I would go, but I didn't want to go alone. We quickly decided to put the kids in the car and go over. There were hundreds of people there, walking the track, making purchases from the vendors and listening to the live band. I quickly found Pam's mother and then Pam who were very excited to see me. I also met some other friends and former co-workers. Thomas and Maggie loved running around the track. From what I understand the event raised over $70,000, it was amazing event. I can't believe I almost missed it. Thank God, Sue gave me a little kick in the butt!

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