Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Today Will Be A Better Day.

So I guess the tone of yesterday's post caused some concern, because I heard from a couple of friends who were concerned and contacted me. One friend sent me a message to let me know that the anxiety I've been dealing with is normal and that she too has dealt with this. Hearing her story was very helpful in knowing the power that anxiety can have over your body. The second was a phone call from a college friend who is also concerned about for a different reason. He lit into me about doing too much and expecting too much from myself.

Both people who contacted me were very helpful in getting my head screwed back on. It was a very tough day filled with fear and anxiety and hearing from these two great friends was extremely helpful, thank you! Additionally, I was able to verbalize some of the fear and anxiety to my wife which also helped me. By the end of the evening, I was feeling physically and emotionally much better.

Sorry to anyone who I worried by yesterday's post. The folks at Sloan-Kettering told us that I would have these days and thankfully I have an amazing support system around me of family and friends that swoop around me and help pick me back up.

Today WILL be a better day!

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