Saturday, April 25, 2009

Brief setback

So I guess the 5+ mile walk yesterday was a bit too much! I woke up (well that would seem to indicate that I slept...not so much!) with a slight headache. I had not experienced this pain since after the surgery s o I was a little nervous about how intense it would become. I took some tylenol around 7am and it didn't seem to get much better or worse. I'm wondering if maybe there was some dehydration associated with this as well. Maybe I didn't drink enough after exercising so much.

Our Sister in-law, Heather who has been here visiting and helping us in every way possible sent Sue to a local massage establishment to do something special for her body. Meanwhile, Heather took our two children and her own out to the stores and lunch, which left the house nice and quiet for me. I decided to try and fight my way through my overall feeling of crap. I took a long shower and got dressed. Took a drive in the car to get something to eat. You have no idea the amount and frequency of food I am eating these days! It's really scary. The good news is that today, the steroid dosage dropped to 4mg. I will finish with it next Friday! Can't wait.

I also stopped at the grocery store and while I was there, my boss, Dave called me so I could hear the band performing in Disney. It was nice to be able to hear some of the sounds although the cell phone doesn't do it justice. I am proud of all they accomplished. I arrived home and brought the groceries inside. I sat outside and opened the mail. More beautiful cards for supporters as well as two packages. One package was from a former co-worker, Kathy. She sent some beautiful books that she thinks I will enjoy reading while I recover. Thank you so much for the kind gift. The other was from the family of a student who isn't even in my class. I think I know the student because she is on the Stage Crew. Her Mom sent a beautiful prayer card that said just the right things. She laso indicated that the gift in the no is a shaul/blanket that she knitted. At the time, she didn't know who it would be for but when she found out about my situation, she figured I was the perfect person to receive it. It is a beautiful gesture and I am overwealmed by your generocity and your prayers for me and my family.

At that point my parents arrived. Dad really wanted the two of us to work on mowing the lawn together. I went ahead and did the front lawn. I got through it, but I felt very tired by the end. I informed my father that I probably wouldn't make it through the back yard. I came inside and rested. It was at this point when I realized that my body was very tired from the long walk yesterday, so I gave in to it and sat down. Luckily the Mets were on so that gave me something to focus on in between the cat naps.

The rest of the day was much better. The headache went away and I felt much better. I spent a bunch of time in the back yard listening to the ipod and relaxing in the beautiful weather. Heather and her daughter, Alexis leave tomorrow morning. It was so great to have her here. She cooked, cleaned, watched the kids, and kept checking with me to see if I needed anything. Thank you so much for the sacrifice you made by leaving the rest of your family at home in order to help us out. I know Sue enjoyed having someone to talk to as well. To Sue's brother, Chris who was home with their other daughter, thank you and never forget how wonderful your wife is. Her energy and patience is never-ending. She is an amazing woman. Thank for everything, Heather.

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