Thursday, April 30, 2009

3 weeks post surgery!

So it's been exactly 3 weeks since my surgery and although I am pleased with my progress, I had hoped that my strength and endurance would be better. I get tired and worn out very easily, but I have to remember that I'm not really sleeping at night, which is difficult. It's sometimes difficult to be patient with myself.

This morning, I took my final steroid pill and I was very happy t do so. I did not cur my eating though as I had Sue take me to Ruby Tuesday's for some salad bar and of course we shared some buffalo wings! Following lunch, Sue drove me to Smithtown to a day spa. I was scheduled for two appointments. The first was a hydrotherapy appointment, which was basically sitting in a hot bath for 20 minutes with jets in it. It was very relaxing. Next was an even more relaxing 30 minute massage. I haven't had a massage in about 10 years so, it was truly a treat. I think I may have to go back for the hour massage!

I have adjusted the times that I'm taking my anti-seizure medicine. I was doing lunch-time and bed-time because that was what the hospital had set up, however I have been wondering if it's this medication that is keeping me awake at night. Since Dr. Nolan would prefer that I stay on it for about 6 months, I figured maybe I could make it more user friendly. It seemed like last night was a little better already. I was awake for a big chunk of time, but I think I also slept more. We'll see what happens tonight.

Tomorrow should be a little quieter day. I have an eye doctor appointment and I may swing over to school to pick up a saxophone to bring home to practice on. I think this would be good in terms of re-training my face muscles and playing music will do wonders for my mood I expect.

The cards and messages keep pouring in from people wanting to check in with us. I would have thought at this point that people would fell.."Well, he's gonna be ok" and they would move on, but quite the opposite, people want to keep making sure that I'm getting better. It's these notes, messages, and cards that are such a strength to me and are encouraging me to get stronger so thank you so much. Here's to 4 or 5 solid hours of sleep! goodnight.

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